THE HIRER shall pay in full as soon as the booking is agreed and before the date of the booking. The PCC reserves the right to cancel the booking if exceptional unforeseen circumstances arise or if the accommodation is required for use as a polling station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election.

  1. THE PCC reserves the right to refuse permission for hire of the hall, and to cancel any booking without notice, where it deems the proposed event or activity to be incompatible with a place of Christian worship. If a religious organisation wishes to hire the hall they should speak to the priest in charge before booking.

  2. THE HIRER shall ensure that the Rules (if any) governing the use of the premises are complied with.

  3. THE HIRER shall during the period of hiring, be responsible for supervision and security of the premises, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements (if any) so as to avoid obstruction of the highway. Due to the residential nature of the area the use of amplified music most be moderated, events must finish by 10.30pm and the premises vacated by 11pm.

  4. THE HIRER shall be responsible for obtaining any local authority or other licences necessary in connection with the booking, other than those (if any) already held by the PCC. Fireworks and weapons are not permitted on the site.

  5. THE HIRER is responsible for obtaining insurance cover which may be through household insurance for their activities, to insure against any third party claims which may be made against the Hirer or their organisation whilst using the premises.

  6. THE HIRER shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations affecting the premises imposed by the Licensing Authorities, the Fire Authority and the Local Authority or otherwise. At the end of the hire all accommodation should be left clean and tidy with all furniture and equipment left in the same position as at the commencement of the hiring, and the hirer must ensure that all heaters, lights and taps are turned off, all litter and rubbish removed and all doors and windows properly secured. The hirer must not leave any equipment, furniture, or articles of any kind in the accommodation.

  7. THE HIRER shall not sub-let or use the premises for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way or do anything or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the premises, their users, or any insurance policies relating thereto.

  8. THE HIRER shall indemnify the PCC in respect of the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises including the surrounding grounds thereof or the contents of the building during, or as a result of, a booking and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the premises pursuant to the booking.

  9. THE HIRER shall, if selling goods on the premises, comply with all relevant fair trading laws and any local code of practice issued in connection with such sales. The sale of alcohol is not permitted on these premises.

  10. THE HIRER must ensure that any electrical equipment brought onto the premises in connection with their use of it conforms to British Safety Standards.

  11. The use of equipment of an unusual nature (e.g. bouncy castles) is permitted, but the PCC reserve the right to charge a separate fee for such use. Supervision of any such equipment is the sole responsibility of the HIRER.

  12. THE HIRER acknowledges that no tenancy is intended to be created between the PCC and the Hirer and no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between them.

  13. THE HIRER notes that they must have a mobile phone charged and ready for use in case the fire brigade needs to be informed of a fire as there is no landline in the church. Fire exits must be kept clear at all times. Smoking is not permitted on the site.

  14. THE HIRER is reminded that they are responsible for any accident or injury arising out of the activity for which they have hired the premises. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the premises are safe for the purpose for which they intend to use them. The Hirer must, in the event of an accident, complete the accident book located in THE KITCHEN providing the information requested in part C.

  15. Where the accommodation is to be used by children the HIRER agrees to comply with the government guidelines set out in the document ‘Safe From Harm.’ Children under the age of 16 must at all times be under the direct supervision of (a) one parent or adult over the age of 18 officially designated to act in loco parentis or (b) at least two responsible adults aged over 18.